Boxed nut milk has too many ingredients and it’s easy to make our own. Buy the highest-quality nuts you can afford.

This nutmilk is super easy to make and the creaminess is divine! The soaked cashews blend easily and you don’t even need a high-tech blender to do a good job of making a high fiber, nutrient-dense, vegetarian-friendly milk that both children and adults enjoy.

 Makes 5 cups:

  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • 4 cups water (use less water for creamier consistency)
  • If you choose, you can add sweetener or vanilla extract extract
  1. Soak nuts in water overnight (or at least 4 hours). Drain water
  2. Add the soaked cashews and water to blender and blend until nuts are totally pulverized. There is no reason to strain this milk. The cashews should pulverize easily.
  3. Store fresh cashew milk in a covered glass jar in the refrigerator. Shelf life is 3-4 days

Add to any Mushroom Mama Tea for a super yummy drink.”