Noodles in Dulse-Shiitake Broth

Noodles in Dulse-Shiitake Broth

This is a quick, easy and super-delicious meal!  Dulse is an Atlantic Ocean sea vegetable that is chocked full of minerals. In one bowl, soak a handul of dulse and a handful of dried shiitake mushrooms in 2 cups water In saucepan, heat 2 T. coconut oil, saute: a diced...
Coconut Curried Chicken

Coconut Curried Chicken

A quick, hearty dinner…the coconut cream makes this dish super yummy! Melt 1-2 T coconut oil into a skillet Over medium heat, brown 4-6 organic chicken thighs in the oil Add: 1 sliced or diced onion 2 cloves of garlic 2 diced or sliced carrots 1 T chives 2 t Mushroom...
Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust

Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust

I hope you wrote this down” munched my husband, “cause this is really good!”  I adore easy dinners and this one is super-easy and gluten-free! This recipe has dairy in it, so if you are dairy-free, substitute away! Preheat over to 350* Peel a large sweet...
Power Potato Soup

Power Potato Soup

Sweet potatoes enhance the nutritional value of this soup…adding medicinal mushrooms pushes that over the top. In 2 T coconut oil, saute: 6 cloves minced garlic 1 minced jalapeno pepper Cover and simmer Meanwhile: Peel, then chop 2 large sweet potatoes into cubes Chop...
Medicinal Miso Soup

Medicinal Miso Soup

Miso is a fermented soy product (fermented is the only way soy should be eaten.  Make sure it is organic. Soak 2 T wakame in a cup of water Saute in coconut oil: 4 cloves garlic 1 onion 2 sticks celery 3 sweet potatoes a handful of fresh shiitake mushrooms Cook for a...
Luscious Lentil Soup

Luscious Lentil Soup

Lentils cook quickly and make hearty soups and stews.  This one is truly luscious! Soak 2 c lentils in 6 c water for 2 hours or overnight Add: ¼ c wakame seaweed seasalt 1 T Mushroom Mama Golden Stamina Tea Bring to boil, then lower heat and simmer 1 hour While...